The world circumstances are not very good for travelling but the popular Instagrammers never stop, and they have a lot to show us during their trips

The entrepreneur Felipe Frascaroli is a good example of very active Instagrammer life.
The world circumstances couldn’t stop him. The model couldn’t find many options for holidays but he had been in England, United States of America, Brazil, Russia and also experienced an adventure in Dubai.
”I was very exited to visit new cities, in countries that I could never imagine I would like and enjoy to see in person something that I normally see on TV or Youtube. Now I will keep going and visiting at least 2 new countries every year, I’m in love with travelling and I want to travel the whole world”
From traditional fairs to very modern cities already visited, the young entrepreneur talks about the architecture of European countries that differs a lot from America’s style, as in the European continent the old mix with the very modern and new, making it having an unique view.
He comments: ”A good example of architecture style mixing is London city centre, close to the Tower Bridge, we see buildings of 300 years and looking to the other side we can see the City. It’s chocking and at the same time make us very curious about the city’s history.”
As an investor, Frascaroli is currently in London, he is keeping the plans to travel to new countries this year, but still doing the hard work even during the holidays. Felipe works for himself as Investment Mentor, but for his and his follower’s happiness, the Instagrammer can do it all remotely. Lucky man!
Besides the young traveller never stops, he also works as a model, what contributed to receive some invitations to work even on TV in South America last year, also achieving one of his main goals, to perform at the London Fashion Week event.
Following the advices of his UK’s Producer Will Lisil, from MW3.biz International Business, Felipe could have a more expansive vision of what is the world in terms of ”work-holidays international travels”.
Now the international model considers his artistic career not only as a job, but a construction of his own image, and he says it’s a business. He talks abut the importance of the public relations services he had at MW3.biz, what made a huge difference about artistic job opportunities.
As an Influencer for so long, since I was a teenager, it’s not easy to be constantly exposed online, your personal life can become a chaos, but the producer Will Lisil helped me to organise my social networks, and the MW3.biz team still helps a lot with international artistic advisory, which saved my life in different occasions when I didn’t know how to resolve some situations.
The model says he is satisfied with life, as this year is bringing good results for his business as an investor, and now he includes in the plans to offer a course for anyone interested in assets, buying companies shares and investment.