The independent singer, gamer and Instagrammer Kevin Keew is the new face of POPHITS.CO, the independent music distribution platform that sends music to over 150 music stores worldwide, and also connects the artist’s songs inside all social networks such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and much more.
Members of all social networks can use the artist’s songs sent by POPHITS.CO on stories, reels, etc, which help to promote the tracks, building an organic audience.
POPHITS.CO keep working for the artists permanently, and also includes the songs in new music shops when available.
POPHITS.CO keep working for the artists permanently, and also includes the songs in new music shops when available.

The POPHITS.CO free music distribution is powered by Kevin Keew and MW3.biz Casting Network, a professional artistic community and e-learning platform that gives its members monthly money prizes, and also has open membership available to independent artists, influencers, bloggers and gamers.
FREE 1 year Music Distribution | Coupon Code: POPHITSGUEST
Visit: http://pophits.co
Instagram: Kevin_Keew
This camping is a socio constructive action powered by MW3.biz which now has a partnership with the British Government for professional experience for young, vulnerable and disabled people.
This partnership is bringing results for young people who before had no opportunity to learn while working. Now at MW3.biz they come directly from the Job Centres and have also a chance to become a partner and have their own small business related to B2B services of Digital Marketing Strategies, directed for local small businesses.
With this initiative, MW3.biz and the British Government are contributing to the country’s economic recovery and opening the job market for disabled people who wants to develop a professional career and have entrepreneurship experience.
The young generation says thanks to Kevin Keew, MW3.biz and the British Government.
Kevin Keew is supported by Pophits.co and gave us the best of his voice in a campaign against Child Sexual Slavery, worldwide awareness and based in 3 languages, 3 idioms, in 3 continents.
The power of the United Kingdom, Brazil and Unites States :
Source: MW3.biz International – United Kingdom