Brasileirinho, the new Kevin’s music video is part of the British singer plans for his international independent artistic career, which is programmed to release 3 songs, 1 in each country simultaneously: Brazil, United Kingdom and USA.
As we can see everything is happening in speed light and Kevin never loses opportunities.
Invited by the Brazilian director and TV producer Carlos Maia last year, Kevin performed in Brazil and released his music video Wake Up Samba (music available on Spotify playlist) recorded in São Paulo city, one of the biggest metropolis in the world.
This is something Kevin planed in the middle of a pandemic and as he says, his life is his own cinema.
Kevin is doing great things for a 10 years old boy with no contracts with major labels, no investment, but a lot of will power. It’s really an amazing real life history for the big screen or documentary.
Kevin is welcomed by the Brazilian population including the indigenous tribe Tatuyo from Amazon rainforest, as we can see in the end of his music video Brasileirinho where they say Kevin Keew, Kevin Keew!, showing a gift for Kevin made by hand by the kids of the tribe.

Everything that is happening in my artistic career started on Instagram, all contacts I made came from Instagram and internet. When I was recording my Portuguese language music video in London, I had the idea to contact a tribe in the middle of the Amazon forest, and God helped as in the same week I made friendship with a boy from an original Amazon tribe, the Tatuyo tribe. They are amazing, and I felt that in this case I could connect to the original Brazilian people as Dickson Tatuyo is now my friend.
Check Tatuyo’s Tribe video here.
Kevin made contact with people from the artistic industry all around the world, as a singer, model, influencer, gamer and also as a soldier, he is an activist doing socio constructive actions fighting against Child Sexual Slavery – what is his main goal in life.
The popstar have been visited even by an official of the British Army, and also followed by big names of the international artistic world as Mara Maravilha (SBT TV channel), Heidi Damelio(Charlie Damelio), Hayden Maringer who worked on the series Glee and with big celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Bebe Rexha, One Direction and Jenifer Lopez, and others from artistic production area.
All Kevin’s efforts are bringing him good results, after he recorded with the actor Andy Day for BBC in the UK, Kevin became a new face of John Lewis clothing brand. Those experiences made him ready to become a new face for the HZ fashion & Co clothing brand in Brazil as well.
Kevin was on the news and also in the cover of a magazine for kids and teens from Brazil, FamousKids VIP Magazine, side by side with Justin Bieber, what gave him even more motivation to achieve bigger things.
Now the little international independent artist and producer is going in direction of the United States of America.
Kevin says with a lot of professional confidence, his name and his music will soon be on the Billboards at Time Square avenue in the New York City.
The astronaut boy, as he claim, quotes James Cook to explain why he never stop playing this real life game full of obstacles:
“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again”.
We are looking forward for that Kevin, keep going writing your real life cinematographic history, just believe and go!
Know more about everything that is happening on Kevin’s international independent artistic career:
Check out Kevin’s VEVO music channel: KevinKeewVEVO
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