The huge technology jump brought changes to our world, and with it a global social movement. It’s interesting to analise the facts by macrovision.
Today I received this screenshot from my brother Junior Paino from Brazil. For my surprise, it’s a screenshot of a post on Facebook from about 8 years ago, 2013.

I was in Lisbon, Portugal at the time.
I remember as if it was today. Something very important happened.
The social networks became even more popular. Was like a total technological crossover.
Who remember about it? I’m 38 years old and I started my virtual life in 1995, when I was 11 years old.
I came from mIRC, GOOGLE, HOTMAIL, ICQ, PALTALK, MSN, ORKUT, first phase of video streaming on VLOG, VIMEO and YOUTUBE… until that phase I had already 9 years of experience in social technological behaviour. It happened in the year of 2004.
Then at the time, huge virtual societies was considered a signal of super high technology as INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, TIKTOK, WHATSAPP, TELEGRAM, GOOGLE in the current technological era.
During that process of 9 years from 1995 to 2004, the societies have had a huge transformation. They found on internet and social networks a kind of FREEDOM of thought.
It worked as a huge social exercise and suddenly everyone started to have a voice – via the new tool, the social networks.
This happened in a fraction of time of 9 years, looks like it was yesterday.
And boom…
The base of the global social pyramid reached a new level of communication, before allowed to only people with a lot of money.
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The society discovered that actually they were the actual social builders, and they saw on the social networks a channel of communication with a huge “diversity of social circles”, more than just their close family or schools, as before.
The ability of speaking directly, to a huge diversity of social circles, became a kind of super power.
The ones who could finally speak trough only 1 profile, only 1 individual channel without any intermediary, to many different layers of society, was then considered a proper genius.
So, since the society discovered that they were essential to shape the society expressing their level of satisfaction – or non satisfaction – online on their own virtual profiles, new things happened, an army of influencers were born.
Common people speaking to the masses, it’s the diamond of communication power. A super power in that time being given to ordinary people.
Basically, trough pages, groups and influencers profiles, the virtual societies achieved a kind of access to a new dimension never experienced before. It was a collective shift that caused an earthquake in many sectors of real society.
The power of macro communication was then very accessible in the virtual dimension. They felt as they were finally alive.
The effect of it was felt by the world exactly in one more fraction of time of 9 years since 2004.
It was in 2013 and 2014 that the virtual social networks, a collective player controlled by the real society with their individual profiles, started to shape inclusive the economic and political scenario. It was a great exercise of truly democracy.
I would like to mention an example of facts:
In 2014 a whole country with about 240 million people, divided in 27 states, decided to have a shift, and it all started on Facebook, the biggest virtual social network at the time.
Real individual people in each virtual individual profile – the core of the social networks – collectively decided to give voice to some representatives, that was a person from the same technological era, doing politics inside the social networks.
So they started to vote in real life to support virtual politicians that was more active on the social networks, but wrongly voting to the ones with more likes, more comments, more volume of interactions in their profiles.
This process caused a distortion of reality, and that’s the time the citizens started to live the life as they wanted, inside the social networks, but in different way outside it.
The politicians started to do the same. And there we go… this country I mentioned is called Brazil and is only 1 example of many others in the global scenario, currently in the same process of virtual crossover since 1995, with focus in 2014.
In 2014 the virtual societies started to live their lives as an illusion, in a new dimension where they are still learning how to have a proper life, even in the current days. The virtual dimension that is the social networks today.
Where you see many different people, cultures, businesses, different markets, artists, magazines and also TV channels. The capability of representation and communication is huge, in the hands of its owners.
During this long process that we almost can’t see, as it’s happening for 26 years, the social networks, all together, swallowed everything, all communication tools, even individual social agents trough each individual virtual profile that today we can see that it doesn’t belong to its users.
But the shifts was happening as something very natural, nobody could stop it, the social networks mixed up all cultures, concepts, and people started to have access to a huge amount of information, mixing thoughts and behaviours.
Then new social circles appeared and those big mixed groups started to chose sides, according with their “real life” convictions.
This was the great shift. From real life to virtual.
The virtual societies became a big block of opinion trough the social networks, that in the present day means the virtual dimension shaping the real life societies in therms of economic and political behaviour.
The world now works in function of the virtual voice of social networks, it’s a huge power, such as if the social network reacts positively to anything, then it is considered positive in real life as well, as in an act of magic.
By one perspective, it all was happening aiming a positive transformation, but by other, it opened space to a huge polarisation. From here, 2014, it started almost a war of information to dominate the few huge virtual groups, until it became only 2 blocks.
One huge block of social groups to the left side as a unique character, and the other huge block of social groups to the right side, as another unique character.
The global society achieved the ability to have only 2 sides in about 30 years since 1995, when the virtual societies started to flourish in the new dimension, the World Wide Web, the WWW, the Internet.
The few astronomic groups of virtual societies became different as if it is another planet. A parallel dimension.
This is interesting to think about and see how big we actually are, we virtual societies formed only 2 blocks, together it would be even bigger isn’t it?
It also reveal that these almost 30 years of virtual social manoeuvre is risky.
The one who achieved to have a voice on both sides will be the chosen one for the beginning of a massive social transformation.
It’s clear, the dimension shifts of the societies made new characters to be alive, and they are very powerful, represented currently by the 2 social sides left.
At least the societies are still being able to move one side to another. It actually needs to be moving.
Shifts are actually very important in any society. If there are no shifts to different sides it isn’t alive!
The shifts are like every single cell of our body. They vibrate from one side to another to produce energy, heat, fuel to keep developing.
This is the natural process of life.
Going back to 8 years ago, as I referred in the beginning of my text, in 2014 during the great virtual shift, the Brazilian population decided to shift from one side to another, like a living cell, supposedly in an alive body.
The body is the world and the cells are countries.
The countries and its societies have to shift to be alive. If it’s not shifting, it becomes inert. Political and economically.
Any alive body – or planet – need to have 2 sides to find balance. If it has only 1 side, it stops moving, it means there is no balance, like the tic tac of a clock.
If a clock stops moving it literally means the clock is died.
To conclude, I used some images to complement my text, you can check by yourself.
See the first picture from Facebook, a huge society shift that happened 8 years ago.
The second picture is the Google definition of a world I used on this text “inert”.

The other images are the complementary meaning of it.
And I take this opportunity to show you the meaning of a synonym of “inert” that is “unskilled”.

This is what makes a country to never achieve the right level of development.
For a society to develop properly, they need to be able to shift as they desire.
They made it on the virtual dimension in 2014, as the Brazilian example, now they need to have the same level of freedom of communication, otherwise it’s gonna keep in the global scenario as an unskilled society.
Who the hell is interested in having unskilled societies?
It would be torture in a world that everyone is having a chance to experience a huge progress of well being with the help of technologies, so some societies without the access to it would be totally isolated, unskilled.
For which purpose? For better control it? Maybe, who knows? Here I leave the big question.
Another meaning for “unskilled” is untaught, what means not have been taught, educated.

The societies needs urgently to have the same freedom as before, to chose how to be educated. Otherwise it’s gonna look like it’s a huge process of indoctrination.
What is something to think about, even more than before, is the fact that the young generation is totally online, they are virtually accessible by anyone. Even cultures from the other side of the world.
This process is called social engineering and is something we must discuss about.

Right now in some specific countries, there are powerful businesses shaping societies, as an intermediary agent between the citizen and his own thoughts, via virtual influence.
I particularly chose the free individual access to truly development, as any developed society in this world, on both dimensions, on both sides.
The virtual reality says thanks!
#ForABetterWorld #ForABetterBrazil #PorUmBrasilMelhor #PorUmBrasilMaisJusto