What is the real formula to be successful in the music industry today? We are not analyzing it from the correct perspective. Are whe?
Is there a music industry pass ticket? Is there a formula or a password to get in?
What is the best way to get into the music business? What is the best way to promote my music and get at the top of the music charts?
As a CEO & Casting director at MW3.biz Casting Network, those are the questions I receive every week from artists around the world. I really hear them!
I know that the new generations are very modern, humanity evolves and people behaviour changes too but I was thinking about what makes it possible to be successful in the music industry currently and the prospects wasn’t very simple to explain even to myself. So I couldn’t ignore it, it needed to become an article.
I really think that nowadays, the current music streaming services has a commercial model that doesn’t work well, exactly like the music industry itself.
I’m not the kind of person who would pay attention only to the human side of activities, I am very centred on the business side of things, even the simple ones.
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So when I look to the music industry, I see that it’s very open to the niche and independent artists too, but it’s unfair with the independent ones.
Artists with contracts and more opportunities are receiving too much attention, too much investment, too much marketing and being pushed to a less talent centred musical activity day by day.
So, from my perspective, this situation in the worldwide music industry is creating a big black hole that eats talents and is vomiting pure commercial “things” that grown by marketing and concentrated only on the commercial side, put artists with no real talent on the top.
So how new and independent artists will keep making niche music, improving their talent, and focusing on the quality of music to make business, if companies, managers and labels are not looking for that anymore?
Let’s pay attention, the ones who get more chance end up earning a lot of money, more companies invest in them in exchange for publicity only, and that’s when it stops being part of the music industry and looks more like a marketing mafia.
I can give some examples:
An independent artist invests a lot of his own money to improve his artistic skills, his portfolio, his online independent promotion, trying to make the engine of his career start running.
When this artist starts getting some audience and starts looking for the next level, contacting companies to make partnerships, etc, or contacting major labels; even if this independent artist is very talented, he is left behind.
The business side, the commercial side of the music industry is cruel. The money is coming from the wrong sources and given to only 1 kind of professional (artist/managers).
The big companies look to the ones who get more attention, not the ones who sing well or play instruments. They look to the ones who can create more polemic, not the ones with more talent or play multiples instruments in a virtuous way.
And it’s no surprise that those who are more polemic and get more attention are considered the good ones for marketing, sell products, make publicity, earn even more money, and get millionaires.
Now look to the list of polemic artists: they are normally the ones who talk about sex. Yes, the music industry curved its head to pornography, and that’s when the “pornographic music industry” was born.
Sex is the main topic of artists with no so much talent but could reach the top of the charts straight away.
I can mention some names, and it’s not new, it’s happening since Madonna.
When Madonna needed to give a boom in her career, the musical career managers started to make her a musical prostitute. That’s when “Like a Virgin” was born, joking with religion and singing explicitly sex, making sexual movements on stage.
After some years, in 2003, there was a new version of “Like a Virgin” released, this time with Christin Aguilera and Britney Spears. Was it about music?
Look to these days what artists need to put themselves involved if they want to achieve the right level of attention to attract big partnerships for Marketing purposes ONLY: Lil Nas X with “Montero” being exposed on the music video as an explicitly passive gay black rapper having sex with Satan. Is that level of affirmation really necessary? Is that really about music or sex and cocaine?
And Anitta, the independent international Brazilian superstar with “Girl From Rio” in the USA music market today, in the past with “Bola Rebola” and “Vai Malandra”. Is it about talent or all about sex or drugs?
What about The Weekend with all songs associate with Fifty Shades of Grey soundtracks? Again about joking with religions and bringing sex and Sadomasochistic to the romantic music niche. Seriously?
Even Milly Cyrus, already so rich, on her 2013 VMA performance with Robin Thicke, from a Disney talented girl she associated herself with a sex addict woman rubbing her butt on Robin’s penis on stage, in front of a teen audience that was expecting the Disney girl to sing. She socked everyone as a marketing strategy for what?
To get more attention, get more views, more plays, and make even more money and invest in more marketing strategies to make her music on the top of the charts for longer.
So to be clear, the formula to be successful in the music industry is basically not involved with music or talent, but with polemic, sex, and provocative actions against religion.
I really think that artists should step back when companies, managers, and partners only focus on marketing proposals. They will for sure be associated with sexual acts in front of kids to provoke the religious institutions to get in the spotlight.
Boom, here we go with one more “big artist” in the next 10 years, then they die of overdose or depression, with a horrible legacy based on excessive sexual content on music, and become a Britney Spears or Amy Winehouse performing on drugs.
Real talented artists transformed into sad clowns to make money for the marketing companies and managers, basically artists being induced to keep paying for success with their own life. Is it really worth it?
They are basically selling their souls while accepting make their music pornographic in exchange for money and to be able to pass to the next levels in their artistic career as has done Kate Perry and many others some years ago.
Well, I even didn’t mention Nick Minaj, Card B, Doja Cat, and many others.
Is there any solution?
Looking at the big picture of the worldwide music industry, I think that the big labels should be changed with a kind of different tax rate and that Capital being invested by the government on independent artists, or the major labels invest it by themselves on independent artists, to keep the quality of music alive. The niche ones, making real music business, not music prostitution.
Otherwise, everybody will start record pornographic music aiming only at fame and money, leaving behind talent and music.
Well, it’s already happening for almost a century and nobody cares. What would be comic if not tragic.
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Even Olivia Rodrigo – again a good girl from Disney – being forced to sing “things” with explicit sexual meaning being so young. Is that really necessary on the music industry?
My personal appeal: Big Labels and independent labels, managers and independent artists, please let’s filter marketing companies proposals and stop making our artists musical sex prostitutes with no legacy.

Music art deserves better, artists deserve respect, music deserves to be cleaned cause it’s eroding and destroying the music industry too and the business itself.
Let’s be more responsible with art and think about the long term effect of musical prostitution.